Negotiation for Music Creators
In matters involving APRA AMCOS or OneMusic Australia, it may involve a discussion between the Resolution Facilitator and APRA AMCOS or OneMusic Australia with a view to resolving the matter. This is appropriate where there is an administrative error or a coordination issue.
This is an early informal intervention and may involve the person reporting having a direct conversation with the other party having received some pointers from the Resolution Facilitator or assistance from a peer (peer assist).

10 days from initial phone consultation and triage.
$50 inc. GST Royalties less than $5000, or non-monetary dispute
$75 inc. GST Royalties between $5000 - $7500
$150 inc. GST Royalties over $7500
The amount depends on the royalties paid by APRA AMCOS to the creator in the previous 12 months. This is taken directly from the ACCC authorisation.