Find answers to questions about Resolution Pathways

Can I speak to you about member to member disputes?

Often disputes are around the percentage splits between fellow music creators. Where this is the case it is useful to start with speaking to APRA AMCOS writer services as they are able to advise you about suspending the registration and providing assistance in contacting the other music creators to understand their views on how they would like the issue resolved. It is important for this to be established before entering a resolution pathway as it informs who will be in the pathway and what options might be available. For example, one cannot mediate except by consent from all the parties involved.

How is Resolution Pathways funded?

The Governance Committee works with the Resolution Facilitator to establish a budget for the year. This is then provided by APRA AMCOS after consultation. Having block funding (rather than funding per incident or matter) means that Resolution Pathways can operate externally and independently.

How long will my pathway take?

Each pathway and matter is different but you can find a guide to costs and timelines on our pathways page for Music Creators or pathways page for Music Users.

About our Portal.

We use a company called Elker to provide a portal.

Through the Elker system, data is encrypted and stored securely in Australia.

You can find out more by visiting the Elker Website. Elker – Speak up safely. The anonymous report platform.

Are there pathways to assist or coach me with a dispute?

Peer assist provides a pathway whereby you may be able to have some peers review your issue or dispute and provide you with some guidance about how that may be resolved or how they perceive your issue. This can be very helpful in gaining perspective if you are deciding whether it is worth pursuing an issue or concern you have.

Can I speak to you about disputes with APRA AMCOS or OneMusic Australia?

Yes. If your dispute is with APRA AMCOS or OneMusic Australia and you are a music user then click here to view further information and if you’re a music creator click here to view information about the process.

If I have a dispute with my publisher can that be resolved by Resolution Pathways, and if so who pays?

Disputes between a writer member and a publisher can be submitted for up to 45 minutes of triage at no cost. These types of matters can only go into a pathway with the consent of all of those who need to participate in the resolution of the dispute. The triage will include an estimate of fees, and who pays will be equal shares or such other share as agreed by the participants.

Can I speak to you about member to member disputes?

Often disputes are around the percentage splits between fellow music creators. Where this is the case it is useful to start with speaking to APRA AMCOS writer services as they are able to advise you about suspending the registration and providing assistance in contacting the other music creators to understand their views on how they would like the issue resolved. It is important for this to be established before entering a resolution pathway as it informs who will be in the pathway and what options might be available. For example, one cannot mediate except by consent from all the parties involved.

How is Resolution Pathways funded?

The Governance Committee works with the Resolution Facilitator to establish a budget for the year. This is then provided by APRA AMCOS after consultation. Having block funding (rather than funding per incident or matter) means that Resolution Pathways can operate externally and independently.

How long will my pathway take?

Each pathway and matter is different but you can find a guide to costs and timelines on our pathways page for Music Creators or pathways page for Music Users.

About our Portal.

We use a company called Elker to provide a portal.

Through the Elker system, data is encrypted and stored securely in Australia.

You can find out more by visiting the Elker Website. Elker – Speak up safely. The anonymous report platform.

Are there pathways to assist or coach me with a dispute?

Peer assist provides a pathway whereby you may be able to have some peers review your issue or dispute and provide you with some guidance about how that may be resolved or how they perceive your issue. This can be very helpful in gaining perspective if you are deciding whether it is worth pursuing an issue or concern you have.

Can I speak to you about disputes with APRA AMCOS or OneMusic Australia?

Yes. If your dispute is with APRA AMCOS or OneMusic Australia and you are a music user then click here to view further information and if you’re a music creator click here to view information about the process.

If I have a dispute with my publisher can that be resolved by Resolution Pathways, and if so who pays?

Disputes between a writer member and a publisher can be submitted for up to 45 minutes of triage at no cost. These types of matters can only go into a pathway with the consent of all of those who need to participate in the resolution of the dispute. The triage will include an estimate of fees, and who pays will be equal shares or such other share as agreed by the participants.