Expert Decision (Binding) for Music Users

What is it?

There are times where the participants cannot resolve the issues themselves and need someone who is an expert in the area of dispute to hear and decide the matter. The expert is impartial and has recognised skill or knowledge in the subject matter of the dispute. They are selected by the Resolution Facilitator with input from the participants. Expert determination is a fast and cost-effective way of resolving mostly technical disputes. It is usually quicker than a court process and still provides a binding decision. The expert decision is binding by virtue of a contract between the participants in dispute agreeing to be bound. The process is the domain of the expert and will vary. Usually, before the expert decision the participants submit documents in support of their position. This includes an outline of the points of contention and any documents in support. There is a meeting and the expert asks questions of the participants before making their decision. The expert relies on the participants’ submissions as well as their own expertise in deciding the matters in dispute.

Who is involved?

The stakeholders who need to be bound by a determination. Participants can represent themselves and also bring a friend, lawyer, or other support person. The expert decision is binding on the participants.

Sample Agreement

It is important that everyone knows what to expect. This will allow participants to adequately prepare, to know their rights and maximise the chances of everyone feeling satisfied with the process.

The agreement sets out the legal rights in plain English – these are important to understand. The Resolution Facilitator is also available to explain the process and the terms of the agreement.

Click here to view an example of an Expert Decision agreement. This agreement may be varied depending upon the individual circumstances of each dispute.


No fee Annual licence fee (or potential licence fee) is under $20,000.

From $7,500 Annual licence fee (or potential licence fee) is over $20,000.

Note: This is based on the size of these matters requiring experts with more than 1 field of expertise.