Paul Ritchie
Paul is the General Manager of Corporate Services & Commercial and Company Secretary at AUSactive (formally Fitness Australia), the peak Health and Exercise Industry Association with the largest register of physical activity professionals and facilities across Australia. AUSactive wants to activate the nation through empowering and representing excellence, innovation, standards and leadership across all exercise and wellness modalities. AUSactive leads advocacy for the health and exercise sector, sponsors research, sets standards that reflect best practice, instils consumer confidence and ensures the wellbeing of Australians through quality service delivery in an industry with over 7 million active participants.
In his earlier career, Paul worked for leading accounting firms including as a Director at Deloitte, delivering on high profile and complex turnaround and restructuring projects across a diverse range of industries. Paul has over 15 years’ experience as a chartered accountant, bringing a range of skills covering financial and liquidity management, risk & governance and strategic planning. Paul has a passion for advocating for improvement in health and wellbeing, and outside of his role with AUSactive, he currently serves as a Board Member and Treasurer of Arthritis Australia, a charitable, NFP organisation and the peak arthritis consumer body in Australia.